1) Daniel, how does the hobby started in your
life? What is your birds origen?
I started at the age of 11, so almost 30 years ago,
with the small budgies. In our village in Würenlos
there was another champion breeder, where I saw the
first big Show budgies. First I didnt like them at
all, but suddenly I got infected by the virus called
"Show budgie".
The basement of my birds consists from Heinrich Ott,
who went regularly to Ormerod/Saddler in the 1970ies
to purchase really good birds.
In the following year i had birds from most Top studs
in the World like Jo Mannes, Reinhard Molkentin, Pat
de Beer, Kurt Vogt and many more. Kurt Vogt was the
one i could learn a lot from how to manage a modern
stud and how to handle with selling.
2) How many and which are main families in your stud?
Its hard to answer this question because I always
try to mix the families, regardless of colours. Like
this I keep fertilty and can avoid inbreeding damages.
3) How do you mate the families?
I never breed to close. The maximum is cousin to cousin.
I am looking more after the phenotype than after the
4) What do you prefer to introduce in your stud: in-breeding,
line-breeding or outcross birds?
I practice a mixture of all those different ways.
Most of the time I let the bird choose his partner
itself. Like this most of the eggs get fertile.
5) What is the origin from the birds you use
to refresh your blood nowadays?
In the last years I used succesfully birds from Kurt
Vogt and Pat de Beer, but also from Erich Schrank,
Ralph Jenne, Andreas Conrades and Sepp Klessinger,
German breeders, who are also good friends of mine.
I prefer birds, who already have a certain amount
of my bloodline to work with as outcrosses.
6) How can you keep the pattern or the homogeneousness
in your stud, once you introduce fresh blood regularly?
If I bring in a bird I usually let him breed with
two different partners and then sell the bird again.
Those youngsters will be reintroduced in the original
line. Like this, I have already 75 % of the wanted
blood line.
7) In your opinion, who are the emergent breeders
in Europe today?
Hard to say, because I do not know the english budgie-scene
to well. Here in Continental Europe, its certainly
still Jo Mannes - the "Big Man". Its impressive,
how many good birds in all different colours are flying
around in this stud.
8) How to know the exact moment that it should refresh
the blood in your stud, and how to know the correct
percentage of new blood that should use?
I dont know it and honestly I dont think, I need to
know that exactly. Everything you have to know, you
can see from the feather structure. To breed budgies,
means always to work and experiment with the feather
9) Have you ever used birds to moult french?
What advice would you give to those who still have
this problem in the creation?
Yes, I did use french moulters very succesfully. The
grandfathers of two main families, the Spangles and
the Opalines, were two French moulters, bred in August
1997. One of them had almost no feathers at all after
loosing them as a baby, but produced outstanding birds,
who had no problems about French moulting at all.
But never work with birds who are having feathers
problems due to genetic problems, such as missing
wings and tails or even showing cysts!!!
10) Which advices would you give to beginning
and intermediate/advanced breeders?
Find a local breeder who lives near you, who you feel
comfortable with and who supports you also with some
good birds for a start. The personal relationship
becomes more and more important, much more important
than the quality of the birds you are starting with.
Dont buy birds everywhere from different bloodlines.
Rather go for an average bird with a good solid background
than for a top-budgie from a family in lesser quality.
But everybody must make those experiences himself
before believing it, I guess. You always learn best
from making mistakes. Thats sometimes hard and can
be expensive, but helpful for a bright future.
1) Which characteristic do you consider the most important
in a budgerigar of quality?
The bird has to be powerful, but still nice to look
at. I do not like the smaller, elegant birds, but
also dont like the big birds missing the stile.
I rather work with a smaller bird with perfect proportion
than with a nonbalanced bird.
2) What is you way of thinking to develop
bloodline with high quality and consistency?
You need to have patience. Also a certain amount of
luck and of course money can help to build a good
stud in less time.
3) As a great admirer of your work, I have
been following your stud from about 10 years. I have
noticed that since 2006, the evolution of your stud
has improved. Do you agree with this? What is the
reason for it?
I dont think there was a big change in 2006. My idea
is, that there was a continuos improvement of my stud
over the last 20 years. This is resulting in the best
birds also produced in high numbers by now.
4) I read in your interview that you eventually
introduce a bird from another breeder in your bloodline
and as soon as you use this bird, you sell it. Could
you explain how you do this and why?
If the F1-offspring of that bird is outstanding, I
keep on breeding with him, of course. In all other
cases I will reintroduce the best offspring back into
my original line and see what happens in the next
generation (F2).
5) Your birds have particular characteristics,
for example, facial width and directional head feathers,
among others, which easily allow us to identify the
presence of your bloodline in many breeders in the
world. Is this result a consequence of one specific
bloodline or is it a result of the development of
your own bloodlines through the years?
I cant answer this question for sure, but I think
that both theories are correct. Whenever I saw somewhere
a bird with a certain feature, for example directional
feathering, I tried to buy it. Even if it was a bird
in lower quality. Most of the time the result was
very disappointing, but sometimes it helped me to
get one step ahead to achieve my target.
6) The feathers of your birds have an incredible
texture and smoothness that can be noticed even in
the chicks. Is the feeding responsible for this or
was this characteristic developed from the genetic
To breed budgies is like putting a puzzle together.
The basement of every succesfull stud is of course
the best possible and natural food. As you might know,
I often work with natural stuff such as vegetables
and fruits and feed almost no artifical ingredients.
Sometimes I am really surprised to see birds in other
places who dont even have fresh water. In summer time
I change the water in the flight three to four times
daily as a minimum.
Of course to take the right selection is probably
the most important thing in the hobby. Often you can
see breeders, who sell their smallest chicks, coming
from their best cocks for almost nothing. These are
the birds you have to continue and they will often
bring the quality back in the next generation.
7) Do you consider the development of alternative
bloodlines important to be used in the future in crossbreed
with your own stud?
I am not sure whether I understand your question.
But there are enough studs in Europe working with
my bloodline, where I always can get a bird back from
a certain line, if needed.
Renato Uchôa
1) The budgies from Swiss and German have
diferent feathers, they look like “blush".
In your opinion, does this happen for the dilute factor
or because of other thing?
I dont know, because I do not know too well the budgie
feathers in other countries. What I can see in pictures,
most winning birds have lots of similar features all
over the world. And I guess, they all go back to more
or less the same genetic background.
2) We can see different types of birds in
your birdroom, some are "Buffalos" and others
are not. Do you normally use the non "Buffalos"?
The "Buffalo factor", so called by Gerald
Binks, seems to be recessive and is hard to fix in
your birds. So I am forced to work also with birds
that visually dont show it, but might carry the factor.
3) What is the best way to breed Lutinos and
Recessive Pieds?
Its always the same procedure. Regardless of the variety,
always pair the very best Normals into the rare varietys
to improve them. I often work with the Spangle factor,
with big success.
4) Do you practice In-Breeding and Line-Breeding.
How do you choose Outcrosses?
As told before, I practice a combination of those
different breeding system. For outcrosses I am always
looking for a certain feature like the directional
feathering, big spots or massive neck. Sometimes I
just like the special colour on a bird, like a yellow
face recessive violet pied, I bought recently. I am
now also playing with danish dominant Spangles, also
called melanistic Spangles. They are very small, but
nice to look at.